Review 6/12/2008
I purchased a VOX 250GB hard drive through one of their distributors (Buy.com) back in December of 2007 because it had a $70 mail-in rebate (actually it was two $35 rebates). I submitted it immediatley upon receiving the product, and was very carefull to fill out the form correctly. The rebate form stated that the rebates will be sent within 10 weeks after the promotional period. Well, the rebate was only good for products purchased on one day only (I think it was around December 15th). That was fine, because that was the day I purchased it. It is June 12th today and I have still not received it. By my calculations, it has well exceeded the 10 week period.
They provided an e-mail address to get rebate status(rebates@voxproducts.com), but they do not even monitor it. If you want a response from them you have to e-mail support@voxproducts.com, but they still string you along. I have an e-mail chain with them starting in April trying to get my $70 check, and they keep telling me that my rebate request is "qualified" and the check will be sent "next week"... but when the next week comes they don't send it. They at least admit that they owe me money but after two months of "next week" promises you start to doubt you will ever get it.
I did some research and have found posting all over the internet about others with similar experiences in trying to get their rebates; Just look at the reviews on the Buy.com website to the 250gb Vox hard drive and you will see what I mean. I wish somebody had warned me beforehand that it would be this difficult.
In comparison, I purchased other items made by other manufacturers that had similar rebates. I received every single one of them as promised, and in a timely manner according to what they had specified in their rebate contract. The only Company that is giving me an issue is VOX.
I am a very easygoing person, and It takes a lot to get me upset. After 6 months of waiting for my rebate and after two months of e-mail communication between myself and the VOX customer service, I decided that I could help others avoid this hassel by submitting a formal complaint. I hope this review is of help to somebody.