Erin L.'s review of Southeastern Asphalt

Southeastern Asphalt

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/11/2019
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If you are not a DOT job, don't bother with this company
They have failed to complete the agreed upon work in a timely manner. It's costing me money and hurting my business. This paving company was subcontracted by my grader on a multi home construction project. They quoted the job probably about a year and a half ago, knowing that they would be informed when the homes were complete and they could come in to pave the road and driveways. They were informed shortly before July 18th 2018 that we were ready for the paving to be done. I expected to wait a couple of weeks for an opening but since we had been on their radar for quite some time, I expected they would fit me in sooner than the 4-6 weeks paving companies in the area generally give as a timeline with new quotes. It is ONE DAY job! I was dealing with Mike. He would tell me "next week" or "probably this weekend" over and over again. On August 8th I had a phone conversation with Mike. I was beginning to get impatient and told him I just needed him to be honest about when they could do it and if it was too small of a job for them and they weren't really wanting to, to just let me know so I could move on and find another company. He assured me they were up to the job and told me 4 weeks as a firm timeline. For the next 3 weeks I called him one a week to confirm we were still on schedule. Each time I was told that we were. He would also tell me the same things as before- "we might be able to squeeze you in this weekend", "maybe next week" etc. The week it was supposed to be done, he wouldn't answer my calls or return my texts. Week 5 of the 4 week timeline I finally got a hold of him again. He started going on about DOT jobs and putting me off indefinitely. Then I got angry and told him he was really screwing me up because I can't sell these houses until the road is paved, and he had told me 4 weeks firm, etc. He said he would talk to his boss and do his best to get it done asap. This was September 12th or 13th. On October 24th I sent him a text saying that he had not responded to my recent attempts at contact and that if it wasn't done by the following week I would be filing a complaint with the BBB. I got a call from Jeff the owner of the company the next day. He was rude at first but when I told him all the times Mike had promised me it would be done, he said he didn't know that and relented a bit. He said they were on a DOT job that would be done the following Tuesday and asked me to call him then. I did. He said probably by Friday that week they could do mine. Asked me to call him then. I did. Again he put me off. He has not responded to my last couple of attempts at contact so here we are. I have also filed a better business bureau complaint.
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Hours   Phone   (828) 693-0230 Address   2997 Spartanburg Highway
East Flat Rock, NC 28726
Website   Email
Contact   Jeff Shipman Other  
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