Elizar H.'s review of R & J Technology

R & J Technology

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/27/2010
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Review 12/27/2010
Back in September 2010, I bought a Clevo x7200 from R&J Technology: the full works for almost $5000 after shipping and whatnot. It was assembled and mailed within two weeks, which their online customer account let me progress monitor.

After a few weeks of use, one of the memory sticks went bad: only 8GB of the 12GB was detected, and there was lots of BSOD'ing. After sending an email complaining about it, the support team at R&J replied in less than 12 hours and let me send the machine back for RMA repairs. They didn't charge for parts and labor, but I had to pay for the shipping and insurance to their address. R&J paid for the return shipping and insurance.

While I think they should have paid for all shipping (it was due to defective hardware), I find R&J to be a trustworthy retailer. They stand 100% behind the quality of their products, and if it breaks while under warranty, they'll gladly fix it. Their support team is highly knowledgeable, quick to respond, and very friendly. The workmanship is easily comparable to Sager, but at better prices, so don't let their obscurity scare you.

R&J has gained my overall confidence and future business. Since the resolved bad RAM fiasco, my x7200 has roared like the Windows Experience Index 7.9 monster it was overclocked to be, without causing a single problem. I'll give 'em four stars. They lose the fifth for making me pay postage: a five star company wouldn't have done that. But otherwise? Great service and fantastic pricing.
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Hours   Phone   (909) 396-9140 Address   3428 Falcon Ridge Road
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Website   http://www.rjtech.com Email   info@rjtech.com
Contact   Richard Wu Other  
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