J. B.'s review of FareGeek LLC

FareGeek LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/5/2015
. 1
. 0
FareGeek is dishonest
FareGeek is a disaster! I booked a trip online and received an email that said CONFIRMED. Two days later, I had not received etickets do I contacted the airline. They had no record whatsoever of a reservation in my name. I called FareGeek, and got a man
with an Indian accent who was abrupt and rude. So I said there was no reservation made, please cancel my attempt to get tickets. He said that the tickets (that did not exist) were not cancellable or refundable. And, I would have to pay him $250.00 per ticket
to cancel (tickets that did not exist and were not cancellable). I called my credit card company and no charge had been made. Therefore, no reservations had been made, no tickets existed, and that Indian crook wanted me to pay him $250.00 per ticket to do
nothing. I then cancelled the credit card, so those crooks could not sell the credit card information, called back FareGeek and told them to cancel whatever they claimed to be doing, and that they would never be paid anything by me. The Indian man who answered
this time then wanted my credit card information again, and I declined. In sum, FareGeek seems to be a FRAUD, and is probably dishonest in a variety of ways. My advive - NEVER use FAREGEEK for anything
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (888) 856-9327 Address   18375 Ventura Blvd Suite 294
Tarzana, CA 91356
Website   Email   Fares@Faregeek.com
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